One Day as a Lion

Show Information:

Coachella Valley Music And Arts Festival
Indio, CA USA
Previous show:
2011-03-07 - Claremonth Showgrounds Perth, WA Australia
Next show:
No known future shows!
Based on YouTube and an incomplete audio recording If You Fear Dying opened and the set closed with Swampy, WI, and PP. Via YT I can find videos for Rockers, Swashbuckler, and the other songs off the EP. This mirrors the other sets they played and given they only had a 45 minute slot I am pretty sure that this is all they played.

Please Email Me if you have any more pictures!


Type: FLAC - Audience
Length: 12 minutes
Complete: No
Taper: Anonymous
Lineage: Schoeps CCM4 > Tinybox
Notes: Incomplete capture. Taper only got the end of their set, and possibly the last ODAAL songs to be ever played live.