Rage Against the Machine

Show Information:

Waterloo Village
Stanhope, NJ USA
Lollapalooza 1993
Previous show:
1993-07-12 - Waterloo Village Stanhope, NJ USA
Next show:
1993-07-16 - Waterloo Village Stanhope, NJ USA
Lollapalooza Festival. Setlist is taken from an audio recording.

Please Email Me if you have any more pictures!


Type: FLAC - Audience
Length: 28 minutes
Complete: Yes
Taper: Unknown
Lineage: Unknown
Notes: This recording was prepared by someone named Jeff and thinks that the taper might've been named Matt. This is a rough sounding recording: Take the Power Back drops in and out and it cuts out at the end. This source ends at Killing in the Name but I have seen other sites list People and Bullet as being played so I am wondering if there are two sources out there. This recording also includes the Alice in Chains set.
Type: FLAC - Audience
Length: 40 minutes
Complete: Yes
Taper: Unknown
Lineage: Unknown Audience -> ?? -> Cassette
Notes: Finally, a complete recording of the show! This sounds WAY better than the source we have. Huge thanks to DiGUM for sending this my way! You can hear the taper talking at points, so its easy to cross-reference this source with the one we have.