Rage Against the Machine

Show Information:

Warsaw, Poland
1994 European Festivals
Previous show:
1994-06-19 - Slovia Sporthall Prague, Czech Republic
Next show:
1994-06-23 - Midtfyns Festival Odense, Denmark
According to a few reviews of this show, the acoustics were not great. From one review: "Some spontaneous behavior of the audience remains in my mind from the concert at Torwar. At the time, the stands of that hall had wooden folding seats, which when folded - particularly vigorous - gave a rather distinctive voice. During the song "Take The Power Back" several thousand people gathered on the album applauded the characteristic rhythm of the song. Meanwhile, those in the stands beat the songs in time with these chairs. An unforgettable moment." A separate review in Heavy Metal Magazyn mentions a few other songs, and from the looks of it this setlist was the same as their other 1994 sets. Producer, Tire Me, Without a Face, and Year of the Boomerang were probably played as well.

Please Email Me if you have any more pictures!