Rage Against the Machine
Show Information:
- Date:
- 1996-01-25
- Venue:
- R.A.S. Showground
- Location:
- Sydney, NSW Australia
- Tour:
- New Zealand / Australia Tour 1996
- Previous show:
- 1996-01-21 - Gold Coast Parklands Gold Coast, QLD Australia
- Next show:
- 1996-01-27 - Horden Pavilion Sydney, NSW Australia
Setlist (Complete):
- 1.
Know Your Enemy
- 2.
Tire Me
- 3.
Bullet in the Head
- 4.
Bulls on Parade
(First known performance)
- 5.
- 6.
- 7.
Killing in the Name
- 8.
(Preceded by Machine Gun jam)
- Notes:
- Part of the Bulls on Parade music video is taken from Rage's performance on this date. Zack introduces Bulls on Parade as a new song.
Please Email Me if you have any more pictures!
Type: FLAC - Audience
Length: 47 minutes
Complete: Yes
Taper: Unknown
Lineage: Core Sound Binaural > Sony TCD-D7
Notes: Great capture of Rage performing at BDO, definitely the best of the three known recordings from this short tour.