Rage Against the Machine
Show Information:
- Date:
- 1997-05-16
- Venue:
- Death Valley Stadium
- Location:
- Clemson, SC USA
- Tour:
- PopMart
- Previous show:
- 1997-05-14 - Liberty Bowl Memphis, TN USA
- Next show:
- 1997-06-07 - GoBang Festival Lubeck, Germany
Setlist (Complete):
- 1.
People of the Sun
- 2.
- 3.
- 4.
The Ghost of Tom Joad
(Bruce Springsteen cover)
- 5.
Bulls on Parade
- 6.
Bullet in the Head
- 7.
Killing in the Name
- 8.
Roll Right
(Jam version)
- 9.
- 10.
Township Rebellion
(Outro only)
- Notes:
- Opening for U2
Please Email Me if you have any more pictures!
Type: FLAC - Audience
Length: 42 minutes
Complete: Yes
Taper: Unknown
Lineage: Core Sound Cardioid > Sony TCD-D3
Notes: Acquired in February 2021 via the mighty DiGUM - huge thanks for providing me with this tape!
I had a copy of this on cassette already but this is marginally better than what I had before.
It is not the greatest sounding recording and sounds a bit rough, but it's all we have.
I'd love to learn more about this source - please reach out if you have any info!
Type: FLAC - Audience
Length: ?? minutes
Complete: No
Taper: Unknown
Lineage: Core Sound Cardiods > Sony WM-D3
Notes: Apparently this source exists but is incomplete.