Rage Against the Machine

Show Information:

Starwood Amphitheatre
Antioch, TN USA
Evil Empire - North America Leg 2
Previous show:
1997-08-10 - Lakewood Amphitheatre Atlanta, GA USA
Next show:
1997-08-13 - Blockbuster Pavilion Charlotte, NC USA

Please Email Me if you have any more pictures!


Type: FLAC - Audience
Length: 90 minutes
Complete: Yes
Taper: Scott B
Lineage: Core Sound (CSB) mics > Sony D8 > Maxell XLII (90 min) -> master cassette
Notes: Transferred By Steve BallsDeep Hagar, and tracked by Dandrew. Taper notes: "Can't really remember much from that show actually. All that I do remember was that we had what seemed like ok/fair seats under the shed, but once the show started it sounded boomy to me underneath the shed of the amphitheater. So after noticing that I got up and made my way back out onto the hillside so I could actually hear it better and enjoy the show. Only time I think I ever really taped a show under a roof of a amphitheater. All other times had been out on the lawn somewhere. After that show I never tried to get seats again. Only settled for lawn seats do there wouldn't be sound issues"