Rage Against the Machine

Show Information:

Blockbuster Pavilion
Camden, NJ USA
Evil Empire - North America Leg 2
Previous show:
1997-08-15 - Merriweather Post Pavilion Columbia, MD USA
Next show:
1997-08-17 - Meadows Music Theatre Hartford, CT USA

Setlist (Complete):

Ramona Africa spoke during the encore about Mumia Abu Jamal

Please Email Me if you have any more pictures!


Type: FLAC - Audience
Length: 92 minutes
Complete: Yes
Taper: Unknown
Lineage: Core Sound Binaural? -> Cassette
Notes: Acquired in February 2021 via the mighty DiGUM - huge thanks for providing me with this tape! This is a VERY rough sounding recording and is very quiet and could probably benefit from a volume / EQ adjustment. I have seen a source for this show claim that it was taped with CSBs and someone told me that there are multiple sources for this show, but I'm not sure about that. I'd love to learn more about this recording - please reach out if you have any info!
Type: FLAC - Audience
Length: ?? minutes
Complete: Yes
Taper: Unknown
Lineage: Core Sound Binaurals > Sony TCD-D8
Notes: This source apparently exists. No idea on quality.
Type: FLAC - Audience
Length: ?? minutes
Complete: Yes
Taper: Unknown
Lineage: Core Sound Binaurals > Sony WM-D3
Notes: This source apparently exists also as CSBs but recorded on a walkman. No idea on quality.