Rage Against the Machine

Show Information:

Meadows Music Theatre
Hartford, CT USA
Evil Empire - North America Leg 2
Previous show:
1997-08-16 - Blockbuster Pavilion Camden, NJ USA
Next show:
1997-08-20 - Meadowlands East Rutherford, NJ USA
This is an infamous show. The crowd became super unruly during the encore break and Zack had to ask the audience to settle down. People trashed the back fence of the venue and were ripping up giant clumps of sod and throwing it at each other. $30,000 worth of damage to the venue was caused. Raekwon and RZA came onstage for the encore for a 12 minute version of Roll Right that included a lengthy freestyle jam.

Please Email Me if you have any more pictures!


Type: FLAC - Audience
Length: 85 minutes
Complete: Yes
Taper: Mike Ganezer
Lineage: Radio Shack 33-3003 Omnidirectional mic > Radio Shack CTR-96 recorder > Maxwell Cassette
Notes: Throughout the four days I spent with Ryan of the NIN archive and Mark from LP Live I was hounded to create a Twitter account so they could tag me. I finally relented and lo and behold Mike reached out with the Hartford setlist and tape! We exchanged a few emails and he sent me this tape along with a few others to transfer. A huge thanks to Mike for sending these over. I had been looking for a copy of this show a long, long time and had given up hope tracking it down. Really appreciate him sending this over! This show was infamous in that fans tore up sod from the lawn and started hurling it at each other. At one point people tore down part of the back pavilion wall and lit things on fire. According to the Hartford Courant nearly $30,000 was caused in damage to the venue. Folks pulled out pepper spray as well during the concert. In this recording you can hear people beating on the chairs making a ruckus. Some notes from Mike regarding his recollection: "The Hartford show was definitely crazy. My friend and I were in the pavilion area and at some point there was pepper spray in my section, but the stuff with the grass was going on behind us. I remember the crowd being super rowdy for sure. Thankfully they didn't stop the show."